From Working to Preserve Our Heritage: The Incredible Legacy of Greek-American Community Services
“'Greek American Organizations of the 90s' was the theme of the eighth annual dinner held on October 21, 1994, at the Ambassador West. The organizations honored were: The Greek Women’s University Club, Hellenic Cultural Organization, Hellenic Link Midwest (formerly KRIKOS), and the Hellenic Professional Society of Illinois. Dr. Kioutas made the presentation of the Efharisto Award to Illinois Masonic Medical Center for their support of the ADC. Charles Mouratides introduced the honorees, and Sandy as Dinner Chairperson, and I presented the awards. Peter Maroutsos was the master of ceremonies. Very Rev. Nikitas Lulias, Chancellor of the Greek Orthodox Diocese of Chicago, offered the invocation and benediction. Music by the Linardakis Band. It was during this event that Jim Kozonis announced that GACS had closed on the building purchase that afternoon. Several donations and pledges were received from those in the audience in response to the building announcement.
A welcome letter that Evangeline and I wrote for the evening read in part:
'Tonight marks the beginning of our second decade of services to the community. We are especially grateful to all our supporters who have made this possible.
We are honoring the very essence of our community – the volunteer organizations which have helped our omogenia to celebrate our rich cultural and ethnic heritage, preserve our language, and maintain our identity. We honor four organizations that exemplify and represent the most active in this genre.
Tonight, we are also extremely pleased to honor the Illinois Masonic Medical Center with our Third Annual Efharisto (Thank You) Award. An Efharisto is given to an organization or individual that through their support has had a lasting impact on GACS. With this criterion in mind, there is no one worthier of this award than Illinois Masonic. In 1990, when we had a dream of establishing an adult day care center but had scant resources to open our doors, the hospital stepped in and saved the day.
Through their financial support, more than $25,000, and with their technical and professional services, single-handedly ensured that our center would succeed. Today, four years later, the center is a thriving and active hub of activities, care, and friendship among our 35 elderly participants and their families. To Illinois Masonic, we say thank you for recognizing and responding to our pleas for assistance. We treasure the partnership that has evolved between our two organizations. Tonight’s theme, ‘Greek Organizations in the 90s’ is meant to honor and recognize the countless men and women who have in large or small degrees given their time and resources to build numerous cultural organizations throughout our history. Large and small, these organizations have left a lasting legacy for us to cherish. It is to the generations that follow, who are charged with maintaining and expanding these efforts for us to appreciate.
Tonight’s theme, ‘Greek Organizations in the 90s’ is meant to honor and recognize the countless men and women who have in large or small degrees given their time and resources to build numerous cultural organizations throughout our history. Large and small, these organizations have left a lasting legacy for us to cherish. It is to the generations that follow, who are charged with maintaining and expanding these efforts for us to appreciate. We would like to personally congratulate the honorees for living up to the GACS motto of ‘Working to Preserve our Heritage.’
The 1995 Heritage Awards dinner recognized the role and contributions of the print media to the vitality of the community. Themed “The Greek American Newspaper in the 90s,” the event, held on October 13 at the Knickerbocker Hotel-Chicago, recognized the community’s print publications: Greek Press, Greek Star, Hellenic Community News, and Hellenic Life. The Efharisto Award was presented to Chris Tomaras for his support of GACS in so many ways. Guests included: Nicholas Zafiropoulos, consul general of Greece, and Lolita Didrikson, Illinois state comptroller. Father George Massouras offered the invocation. The music was by the Linardakis Band. Kosta Zografopoulos was the master of ceremonies. Charles Mouratides introduced the honorees, and Sandy and I presented the awards.
An article that appeared in the October 9, 1995, edition of the Greek Press entitled “GACS Presents ‘Efharisto’ to Chris Tomaras,” read in part:
'Mr. Tomaras, a shining light, and inspiration in our community, has had a long and distinguished history on both the national and local levels of supporting activities designed to enhance our community. A member of the GACS Advisory Board, Tomaras is being recognized for his outstanding support of Greek-American Community Services over the last several years.
Key among these was his raising of $17,000 at our 1993 Heritage Awards Dinner Dance, Also, in May 1994, he generously underwrote the costs of an Advisory Board fundraiser at the Metropolitan Club in Sears Tower. The event, chaired by community leaders Loukas Pergantas and Eleni Bousis, raised $30,000.
‘The generosity, leadership, and support of Mr. Tomaras, Mr. Pergantas, Mrs. Bousis, and the other members of our Advisory Board enabled GACS to achieve its dream of purchasing a permanent home for our vital services,’ stated GACS Executive Director and Founder John Psiharis. ‘This year’s award is our way of saying Efharisto (Thank you) to a man whose actions speak louder than his words.’
Tomaras, founder and past chairman of Kronos-Central Products, Inc., launched a business that revolutionized food service in restaurants and brought gyros to the forefront of American culture. He is the founder and chairman of ‘From Athens to Atlanta Committee,’ a national organization dedicated to enhancing Greece’s role in next year’s Olympic games. He is involved in numerous civic and charitable organizations including the Neo Kyma Messinia, the Athenian-Piraeus Society, and the Illinois and U.S. Chambers of Commerce. He was also elected Supreme President of the Pan-Messinian Federation of the U.S. and Canada. Among the many honors he has received are the prestigious Ellis Island Award and a GACS Heritage Award.'
A welcome letter from Sandy, as GACS president, and myself as executive director, was printed in the souvenir album and said in part:
'This evening, we honor and recognize the remarkable and ongoing contributions of one of the foundations of our community – the Greek print media. We salute four publications that have withstood the challenges associated with publishing an ethnic newspaper and have served as vital links within our community.
Tonight, we are also extremely pleased to honor Mr. Chris Tomaras with our Fourth Annual Efharisto (Thank You) Award. An Efharisto is given to an organization or individual that, through their support, has had a lasting impact on GACS. With this criterion in mind, there is no one worthier of this award than Chris Tomaras. Just two years ago, responding to our efforts to raise money to purchase our building, Mr. Tomaras used the occasion of his Heritage Awards acceptance speech to raise one thousand dollars a minute for seventeen minutes. The $17,000 he raised in one night set the momentum for a successful conclusion of our capital campaign. But he did not stop there, in May of 1994, he generously hosted a special Advisory Board fundraising event at the Metropolitan Club. Under the chairmanship of Loukas Pergantas and Eleni Bousis, the event raised an additional $30,000. His leadership, vision, charisma, and support have inspired us all. Tonight, we say thank you, Chris, for all you have done. We look forward to your continued friendship and support in the years to come.
Tonight’s theme, the ‘Greek-American Newspaper in the 90s’, is meant to honor the personal sacrifices and dedication of the men and women who have worked to keep our community informed. The Greek print media has served as the focal point of our omogenia’s activities and people. By bringing news of the motherland and from throughout the country, they have informed and educated generations of readers.'"
Gerald Mungerson, president of Illinois Masonic Medical Center, displays the GACS Efharisto Award presented during the Heritage Awards dinner at the Ambassador West. Seated (L-R): Evangeline Mistaras, Gerald Mungerson, Dr. Theodosis Kioutas. Standing: John Rassogianis, Loukas Pergantas, John Psiharis, Nikki Pergantas, and unknown. October 21, 1994. John Psiharis collection.
Greek Women’s University Club officers display their Heritage Award presented during the October 21, 1994, Heritage Awards dinner at the Ambassador West. Seated (L-R): Presbytera Theano Rexinis, Barbara Javaras, Jean Leontios. Standing (L-R): Peter Maroutsos, Evangeline Mistaras, Kostas Zografopoulos, Anna Moreno, Sandy Petropoulos, unknown, Athanasia Papadopoulos, John Psiharis, Theodora Nicolandis, and Dr. Irene Panagiotou. Photos from the John Psiharis collection.
Hellenic Cultural Organization officers display their Heritage Award. Seated (L-R): Evangeline Mistaras, Dr. Eleni Katsarou, Dr. Theodosis Kioutas. Standing first row: Voula Katsaros, Jenny Gotsis, Toula Hlepas, Toni Panos. Back row: Peter Hlepas and John Rassogianis. October 21, 1994.
Hellenic Professional Society of Illinois officers during the Heritage Awards Dinner. Seated (L-R): Sandy Petropoulos, Elaine Barkoulies-Columbus, Frank Columbus. Standing: Peter Maroutsos, Kostas Zografopoulos, Tony Aslonides, John Psiharis, Christos Takoudis, Evangeline Mistaras, John Rassogianis, Dr. George Alexopoulos, Toni Panos, Alexander Rassogianis, and Athanasia Papadopoulos. Photos from the John Psiharis collection.
KRIKOS-Midwest officers during the October 21, 1994, Heritage Awards dinner at the Ambassador West. Seated (L-R): Kakia (Katerina) Xenos, Dr. George Alexopoulos and Christos Takoudis. Standing: Peter Maroutsos, Kostas Zografopoulos, Evangeline Mistaras, John Rassogianis, John Psiharis, and Athanasia Papadopoulos. John Psiharis collection.
(L-R): Helen Angelopoulos, Greek Press publisher; Sotiris Rekoumis, Hellenic Life publisher; Dimitris Pnevmatikatos, Hellenic Community News publisher, and Dr. Theodosis Kioutas. October 13, 1995. Photo by John Rassoganis. John Rassogianis collection.
Greetings from Senator Paul Sarbanes. October 13, 1995. John Psiharis collection.
Greetings from Governor Michael Dukakis, September 28, 1994. John Psiharis collection.