From Working to Preserve Our Heritage: The Incredible Legacy of Greek-American Community Services:

"Early on, GACS organized monthly community education lectures focused on health topics, screenings, benefits, and legal matters, in cooperation with the St. Demetrios Church Young at Heart Group. This senior citizens club met twice weekly (Tuesdays and Thursdays) in the church’s Panousis Room to socialize, play bingo and cards, and share coffee and desserts. About 80 seniors attended the meetings.

The lectures were presented in the Greek language by doctors, pharmacists, lawyers, and other professionals. Programs included screenings and lectures on topics such as diabetes, cholesterol, and the importance of a will. A few of the speakers were: Fran Mitilianos from the local Social Security office; Helen Georges from the Illinois Department of Public Aid; Roxanne Xenakis from the Chicago Department on Aging Levy Senior Center; Jim Demos and Genia Saveas from the Chicago Department of Human Services; Dr. Peter Chiakulas and Dr. George Dalianis on podiatry and Dr. John Panton on cataracts and glaucoma. Mary Ann Conrick of the Chicago Hearing Society provided hearing screenings and a lecture entitled 'I Can Hear, But I Can’t Understand,' and Dr. Demetrios Trakas spoke on 'Stress and Aging: What You Should Know.'

Other programs included: Nestor 'Lefty' Chakonas, a Chicago Police Department commander, who provided safety tips and distributed safety alert bracelets to the seniors. Theo Theodoratos and Barbara Nicpan, director of the Levy Center, spoke on 'City Services Available to Senior Citizens through the Chicago Department on Aging and Disability.' Angelike Mountanis from the Hellenic Foundation annually spoke to the seniors about the Circuit Breaker Senior Tax Assistance program and assisted them in completing the application. Tom Chiampas, a community representative for the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), came annually to help seniors obtain CTA senior citizens' reduced fare cards. John Geocaris, the 40th Ward Democratic Party committeeman, and Alderman Patrick J. O’Connor visited on occasion to discuss matters of concern with the seniors. Kathy Byrne, daughter of former Chicago mayor Jane Byrne, visited on a campaign stop during her mother’s campaign for re-election. Dr. Kioutas was a frequent visitor speaking on various health matters and providing updates to the seniors on the progress of the nursing home project. One example was a lecture he gave on hypertension followed by blood pressure screening from Vital Measurements Home Health Care. Another program was a brown bag lecture on pharmaceuticals by pharmacist George Akrivos. Participants were asked to bring any medications and supplements they were taking in a brown bag so that he could advise them about any possible side effects or concerns. In December 1986, GACS hosted glaucoma and cataract screening by doctors John and Peter Panton. 

During this time, GACS also co-sponsored a literacy program for senior citizens at St. Demetrios Church. The ESL program was operated by the AUAF and funded through a grant from the state of Illinois that Elaine had written for them. The Literacy Volunteers of Chicago was also a co-sponsor. The classes preceded the twice-per-week Young at Heart senior citizen’s group meeting.

An undated draft document, handwritten by Elaine, reported that 15 Greek elderly registered to take part in the classes. Some were in the country for over 40 years; others had just recently arrived. Participants were in their 60s, 70s, and 80s. Volunteer tutors taught in both one-to-one and small-group settings. Included in the report were quotes from two of the senior participants: 'When asked why she wanted to learn to read and write English, an 84-year-old woman replied, ‘So I can respond to my granddaughter’s letters. and can write more than what I do now, ‘I love you.’ Another explained, ‘When I was a new bride of 24 years of age, my husband would not let me attend school. Now, again I have an opportunity to learn.’”

Above: St. Demetrios Young at Heart Senior Citizen’s Group meeting. In center are (L-R): Catherine Burbules (vice president), John Psiharis, Alderman Patrick O’Connor, Barbara Psilakas (president), and Kathy Byrne, following a GACS sponsored presentation during a club meeting. February 1987. John Psiharis collection.

Above: Alderman Patrick O'Connor speaks to members of the senior citizens group. February 1987. John Psiharis collection. Below: Kathy Byrne greets seniors attending the event. February 1987. John Psiharis collection.